City of Portola
Regular Meeting
December 11, 2024 06:00 PM
35 Third Ave, Portola, CA 96122

  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Pat Morton.

    1. Roll Call

      Present: Mayor Pat Morton, Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy, Councilmember Bill Powers, Councilmember Leah Turner

      Absent: Councilmember Mikki Battaglia

      Staff Present: Ryan Bonk - City Manager, Susan Scarlett - Finance Officer, Malachi Mansfield - Deputy City Clerk, Steve Gross - City Attorney 

    2. Pledge of Allegiance
      Led by Mayor Pat Morton

  2. Public Comments

    Lindsey Shaw, Ashlee Sims, Deborah Bress made comments on a range of topics.

  3. Council Reorganization

      Annually the City Council reorganizes and changes Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem. Councilmember Turner nominated Mayor Pro Tem Jim Murphy for Mayor and Councilmember Bill Powers for Mayor Pro Tem.

      Councilmember Leah Turner motioned to approve. Mayor Pat Morton seconded the motion.

      The roll call vote:

        Aye   Mayor Pat Morton     Aye   Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy     Aye   Councilmember Bill Powers     Aye   Councilmember Leah Turner     Absent   Councilmember Mikki Battaglia  
  4. City Communications  
    1. City Council Communications

      Mayor Pro Tem Powers: Mayor Pro Tem Powers met with representatives from Sierra County. During the meeting, there was discussion of the need for access to food, housing, and transportation. An example of funds being used through grants included sub-grantees receiving $250,000 for the restoration of abandoned housing in the area affected by the Dixie fire.

      Councilmember Pat Morton: Councilmember Pat Morton attended a Transportation Commission meeting and a LAFCo meeting.

      Mayor Jim Murphy: Mayor Jim Murphy has scheduled more LAFCo meetings in the future.

      Councilmember Leah Turner: Councilmember Leah Turner had nothing to report.

    2. Reports: Beckwourth Peak Fire Protection District/Plumas County Sheriff/Northern Sierra Air Quality District.

      There were no updates from the agencies.

      City Manager Bonk reported that a meeting took place between City Manager, Ryan Bonk, Finance Officer Susan Scarlett, Fire Chief Jack Rosevear and BPFPD President Rich McLaughlin to establish a working relationship and plan future meetings. 

    3. Staff Communications

      No Reports

    4. City Manager Report (Attached)

      City Manager Ryan Bonk presented the City Manager's report in detail. 

      City Hall is now fully staffed.

      Public Works has engaged in preparing for storm response significant rainfall. Sandbags were made available to the public. 

      The Gulling St. Bridge- The contract for the monitoring system installation is being finalized.  

      There was a planning meeting done with Karen Downs. 

      There is a plan in place to continually update the city's website.

      Social media is not currently in use.

      The volume and frequency of the public records requests were reviewed and discussed. Mr. Bonk noted that in recent months the number of requests has risen sharply, and often times coming from the same individuals. 

  5. Consent Agenda
    1. Claims - Adopt Resolution No. 2600 authorizing payment of claims for Payroll for the period October 10, 2024 through December 11, 2024 and Accounts Payable for the period of November 14, 2024 through December 11, 2024. 

      Total Accounts Payable Claims: $222,920.84

      Total Payroll Claims: $135,496.92

      Total Claims: $358,417.76

    2. Minutes of the Regular meeting November 13, 2024- Approve the minutes of the Regular meeting from November 13, 2024

    Public Comment- Deborah Bress

    Adoption of Resolution No. 2600 and approval of the minutes of the Regular Meeting for November 13, 2024

    Mayor Jim Murphy motioned to approve. Mayor Pro-Tem Bill Powers seconded the motion.

    The roll call vote:

      Aye   Councilmember Leah Turner     Aye   Mayor Jim Murphy     Aye   Mayor Pro-Tem Bill Powers     Aye   Councilmemeber Pat Morton     Absent   Councilmember Mikki Battaglia  

  6. Refuse Collection Rate Increase 2025 – Public Hearing for Resolution No. 2601

    A public hearing was be held to receive public comment on the rate increase. The rate increase proposed is a 3.60% increase starting on January 1st 2025.Tom Valentino, a consultant for the city, made comments that the proposed rate increase is justified. Mayor Murphy opened the public hearing. There were no public comments. City Manager Bonk reported on the number of protests received. The public hearing was closed.

    Resolution No. 2601 was then presented for 2025 Refuse Collection Rates. The resolution was adopted.

    Councilmember Leah Turner motioned to approve. Mayor Pro-Tem Bill Powers seconded the motion.

    The roll call vote:

      Aye   Councilmember Leah Turner     Aye   Mayor Jim Murphy     Aye   Mayor Pro-Tem Bill Powers     Aye   Councilmemeber Pat Morton     Absent   Councilmember Mikki Battaglia  

  7. 2024 City Audit 

    Finance Officer Scarlett reviewed the city audit for the 2023-2024 Fiscal year. The city audit was an unqualified audit also known as a clean audit. Mayor Pro Tem Powers commented on the financial health of the city.  The City council moved to accept the audit.

    Deborah Bress made a comment

    Councilmember Leah Turner motioned to approve. Councilmember Bill Powers seconded the motion.

    The motion passed with the following vote:
      4   In Favor         Opposed
         Abstained      1   Absent         Recused

  8. American Rescue Plan Act

    In 2021-2022 the City of Portola received $461,697 of Fiscal Recovery Funds as part of the pandemic recovery efforts. The City Council approved the use of the funds for Community Clean up and the purchase of the tax lien properties.

    The balance of the funds available is $87,809.75. This must be obligated by 12/31/2024 and liquidated (spent) by 12/31/2026. The recommendations by staff are to spend the remaining funds in the manner as follows:

    Quote from Global industrial* for fountains $62,591.16 (* an Omnia Partner)

    Estimated installation costs for concrete pad, water hookup and staff time for fountain and dog park projects $15,000

    Estimate for materials for the dog park $7,337.10

    Contingency/or revenue replacement estimate $2,881.49

    There was discussion of other possible uses of the funds. Finance Officer Scarlett explained that the funds were not usable for other programs such as road work except under certain circumstances. She also explained that health was a major factor in the rules for these funds.

    Councilmember Leah Turner motioned to approve. Mayor Pro-Tem Bill Powers seconded the motion.

    The roll call vote:

      Aye   Councilmember Leah Turner     Aye   Mayor Jim Murphy     Aye   Mayor Pro-Tem Bill Powers     Aye   Councilmemeber Pat Morton     Absent   Councilmember Mikki Battaglia  

  9. Update the salary schedule in compliance with California Code of Regulations 570.5

    Finance Officer, Susan Scarlett explained that the city is required by the California Code of Regulations to have an updated pay schedule that is publicly available. Once approved this will replace the schedule that is currently on the city's website. 

    City Manager Ryan Bonk recused himself from the conversation as it has to do with his monetary compensation.

    There was no public comment. 

    Councilmemeber Pat Morton motioned to approve. Mayor Jim Murphy seconded the motion.

    The roll call vote:

      Aye   Councilmember Leah Turner     Aye   Mayor Jim Murphy     Aye   Mayor Pro-Tem Bill Powers     Aye   Councilmemeber Pat Morton     Absent   Councilmember Mikki Battaglia  

  10. City Policy on Communication and Engagement Restrictions for Active Legal Matters

    City Manager Ryan Bonk introduced a policy that outlines the procedures and restrictions for elected and appointed City Officials and City staff when interacting with individuals or parties engaged in active or threatened legal claims or matters against the City of Portola. City Attorney Steve Gross clarified further. This item was tabled for a future agenda.

  11. Closed Session
    1. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Pursuant to Gov. Code Section 54956.9 (d)(1) – Claim of Jason Shaw

      No Action
    2. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Pursuant to Gov. Code Section 54956.9 (d)(1) – Claim of Lindsey Shaw

      There was no reportable action from Closed Session.

  12. Adjournment

    The meeting of the city council adjourned at 7:55 p.m.