City of Portola
Regular Meeting
June 22, 2022 06:00 PM
35 Third Ave Portola, CA 96122
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Pat Morton.
Pledge of Allegiance
Led by Mayor Pat Morton
Roll Call
Present: Mayor Pat Morton, Mayor Pro Tem Tom Cooley, Councilmember Phil Oels, Councilmember Stan Peiler, Councilmember Bill Powers
Staff Present: Interim City Manager - Jon Kennedy Finance Officer - Susan ScarlettDeputy City Clerk - Mercadez Flewell City Attorney - Steve Gross
Pledge of Allegiance
Public Comments
This section is intended to provide members of the public with an opportunity to comment on any subject that does not appear on this agenda. Please note that California law prohibits the City Council from taking action on any matter which is not on the posted agenda, unless it is determined to be an urgency item by the City Council. Any member of the public wishing to address the City Council during “PUBLIC COMMENT” shall first secure permission of the presiding officer, stand; may give his/her name and address to the Clerk for the record. Each person addressing the City Council shall be limited to three minutes ordinarily, unless the presiding officer indicates a different amount will be allotted.
Joshua Hart expressed concerns he has with Interim City Manager Jon Kennedy
City Council Communications / Committee Reports
Councilmember Oels reported that he attended the Firewise meeting and that he will be attending the Plumas County Transportation Commission committee meeting on Monday the 27th of June
Councilmember Powers reported that he attended the Plumas County Airport Land Use Commission meeting, the LAFCO meeting, the tri-counties action meeting, and a foster care meeting in Butte County
Councilmember Peiler reported that he hasn't attended any public meeting, he is hearing great things regarding the city clean up project
Mayor Pro Tem Cooley reported that he attended the grand opening event of the Disc Golf Course, the Fire Safe Council and the LAFCO meeting
Mayor Morton reported that she attended the LAFCO meeting, the grand opening of the Disc Golf Course, and the Beckwourth Fire District board meeting
Staff Communications / Fire Report / Sheriff's Report / Air Quality Report
Air Quality - Mikki Brown reported that she is a new employee for air quality and will be working on the wood stove/chimney compliance program
City Manager Report
Interim City Manager Kennedy reported that the public records requests that are coming into the City are taking a lot of time and he and the attorney have been working on them to be sure to stay in compliance with the law
Resolution No 2517 Concerning COVID Remote Meetings
Public Comment:
Joshua Hart expressed concerns about the city still not allowing in person meetings and that the public is not being considered in this decision
Unknown public member expressed same concerns as Josh Hart
Attorney Steve Gross expressed that the City is in compliance with the California Law and the way that the City has been doing the meetings is open to all public members of the community
All Councilmembers expressed that they'd love to be open to the public however with COVID cases still rising it is unsafe
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Pat Morton Aye Mayor Pro Tem Tom Cooley Aye Councilmember Phil Oels Aye Councilmember Stan Peiler Aye Councilmember Bill Powers
Consent Agenda
Claims- Adopt Resolution No. 2510 authorizing payment of claims for the period of June 09 through June 22, 2022
Accounts Payable: $ 45,105.44
Payroll: $ 33,711.32
Total: $ 78,816.76
Special Check 43990-$130,000
Void Check Number 43696- $130,000
Void Check Number 43847-$811.45
Councilmember Oels asked why there was a voided and issues $130,000.00 check, Interim City Manager Jon Kennedy addressed Oels concerns letting him know that it is for the Sheriff's Department contract, the original check was misplaced or lost by the county and the City had to reissue the check
Joshua Hart commented as well
Councilmember Stan Peiler motioned to approve. Mayor Pro Tem Tom Cooley seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Pat Morton Aye Mayor Pro Tem Tom Cooley Aye Councilmember Phil Oels Aye Councilmember Stan Peiler Aye Councilmember Bill Powers
Adoption of North Loop project and Bid Authorization
Dan Bastian the City Engineer explained in detail the project to the council, Mayor Morton asked if the project would allow street parking. Bastian clarified that due to the specifics of this grant and the current easement's and road map up, there will likely be no street parking.
Joshua Hart expressed concerns regarding the project and the transportation crisis
Unknown Public Commenter expressed concerns regarding the pot holes on the roads and doesn't understand why the city would do this project
Mikki Brown expressed great appreciation towards the project as it would give the children of this community a safe place to walk to get to the park
Councilmember Cooley asked if this projects funds could be used for other road maintenance project, specifically potholes, Bastian said no as this project has been worked on, reported, and quoted specifically for adding the sidewalks and fixing joy way road
Councilmember Phil Oels motioned to approve. Councilmember Stan Peiler seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Pat Morton Aye Mayor Pro Tem Tom Cooley Aye Councilmember Phil Oels Aye Councilmember Stan Peiler Aye Councilmember Bill Powers
Ordinance No. 361 to comply with SB 1383 Reduction of disposal of organic waste
The city has received a collection hold for the time being but will still be required to provide outreach, explained by Interim CIty Manager Jon Kennedy. The city will be working with City Waste Consultant Tom Valentino on that portion of the city compliance moving forward. No public comment provided
Councilmember Bill Powers motioned to approve. Mayor Pro Tem Tom Cooley seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Pat Morton Aye Mayor Pro Tem Tom Cooley Aye Councilmember Phil Oels Aye Councilmember Stan Peiler Aye Councilmember Bill Powers
GANN appropriations limit, Investment Policy, Facility Fees and Budget Adoption
Each resolution was voted on separately and unanimously approved by all councilmembers.
Resolution 2511 motion to approve by Councilmember Powers and seconded by Councilmember Oels
Resolution 2512 motion to approve by Councilmember Oels and seconded by Councilmember Powers
Resolution 2513 motion to approve by Mayor Pro-Tem Cooley Powers and seconded by Councilmember Peiler
Resolution 2514 motion to approve by Councilmember Oels and seconded by Councilmember Powers
Resolution 2515 motion to approve by Councilmember Oels and seconded by Councilmember Peiler
Resolution 2516 motion to approve by Councilmember Peiler and seconded by Councilmember Oels
motioned to approve. seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Pat Morton Aye Mayor Pro Tem Tom Cooley Aye Councilmember Phil Oels Aye Councilmember Stan Peiler Aye Councilmember Bill Powers
November 8, 2022 General Municipal Election
No public comment provided.
Councilmember Phil Oels motioned to approve. Councilmember Bill Powers seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Pat Morton Aye Mayor Pro Tem Tom Cooley Aye Councilmember Phil Oels Aye Councilmember Stan Peiler Aye Councilmember Bill Powers
Mayor Morton adjourned @ 7:04 p.m.