City of Portola
Regular Meeting
October 12, 2022 06:00 PM
35 Third Ave Portola, CA 96122

  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Pat Morton.

    1. Pledge of Allegiance
      Led by Mayor Pat Morton

    2. Roll Call

      Present: Mayor Pat Morton, Mayor Pro Tem Tom Cooley, Councilmember Phil Oels, Councilmember Bill Powers

      Absent: Councilmember Stan Peiler

      Staff Present: Interim City Manager, Jon KennedyDeputy City Clerk, Jason Shaw

  2. Public Comments

    There were no public comments.

    1. City Council Communications / Committee Reports

      City Council had nothing to report.

    2. Staff Communications / Fire Report / Sheriff's Report / Air Quality Report

      For the fire report, Portola homecoming parade was a huge success. Open house on Halloween at the Portola North Side Station. 11 fire calls in Betchworth. 20 fire calls in Portola. For the police report, 450 calls in the dispatch total, 276 have been in the city of Portola. 

    3. City Manager Report

      Interim Manager Kennedy provided an update on the Community Clean Up Program, the Wastewater Improvement grant through Prop 1, and introduced the progress made by the new Administrative Clerk, Jason Shaw.

  4. Resolution No 2529 Concerning COVID Remote Meetings Councilmember Phil Oels motioned to approve. Councilmember Bill Powers seconded the motion.

    The roll call vote:

      Aye   Mayor Pat Morton     Aye   Mayor Pro Tem Tom Cooley     Aye   Councilmember Phil Oels     Aye   Councilmember Bill Powers     Absent   Councilmember Stan Peiler  

  5. Consent Agenda
    1. Claims- Adopt Resolution No. 2530 authorizing payment of claims for the period of  September 29, 2022 though October 12, 2022

      Accounts Payable: $ 120,148.74

      Payroll: $ 20,334.48

      Total: $ 140,483.22

      Payroll Checks 17195 – 17200

      AP Run Checks 44286 – 44330

    2. Approval of September 28, 2022 Minutes

    Councilmember Bill Powers motioned to approve. Councilmember Phil Oels seconded the motion.

    The roll call vote:

      Aye   Mayor Pat Morton     Aye   Mayor Pro Tem Tom Cooley     Aye   Councilmember Phil Oels     Aye   Councilmember Bill Powers     Absent   Councilmember Stan Peiler  

  6. Review of Municipal Services Review for Eastern Plumas Fire Agencies

    Jennifer Stephenson gave an update on the MSR. She listed the challenges facing the various fire departments in Plumas county and the ways they can be solved. Conclusion of the review indicated the best future action is the formation of a new fire district.  Steve Gross commented that it is a well written document and asked follow up questions. Jennifer stated that there are no known legal challenges. Mayor Morton asked follow up questions. Jennifer responded that she had 16 years experience making these reports and her team has done over 500 service reviews in total. 

  7. LESSG Feasibility Draft and Presentation

    Mayor Pro Tem Tom Cooley provided a brief but comprehensive report on the LESSG Feasibility study which included future possible fee structures and overall composition of possible fire district.  The new district would allow for better service. Interim City Manager Jon Kennedy praised the team for their efforts. 

    Action was taken to approve the draft report as presented and recognition there will be a special tax which was presented in the study.

    Councilmember Bill Powers motioned to approve. Councilmember Phil Oels seconded the motion.

    The roll call vote:

      Aye   Mayor Pat Morton     Aye   Mayor Pro Tem Tom Cooley     Aye   Councilmember Phil Oels     Aye   Councilmember Bill Powers     Absent   Councilmember Stan Peiler  

  8. Adjournment

    Meeting adjourned at 7:43 PM by Mayor Pat Morton.