City of Portola
Regular Meeting
June 14, 2023 06:00 PM
35 Third Ave Portola, CA 96122

  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Bill Powers.

    1. Pledge of Allegiance
      Led by Mayor Bill Powers

    2. Roll Call

      Present: Mayor Bill Powers, Mayor Pro Tem Pat Morton, Councilmember Stan Peiler, Councilmember Leah Turner, Councilmember Jim Murphy

      Staff Present: Interim City Manager - Jon Kennedy, Deputy City Clerk - Jason Shaw, City Attorney - Steve Gross  (remotely), Financial Officer Susan Scarlett (remotely), Engineer Dan Bastian

  2. Public Comments

    There were no public comments

    1. City Council Communications / Committee Reports

      Councilmember Peiler commented on how successful the bike race was, and how clean the visitors left them properties. 

      Councilmember Murphy agreed with Stan

      Nothing to report from Councilmember Turner

      Mayor Pro-Tem Morton attended the LESSG meeting, and Lafco. She provided the BFPD fire report as well.

      Mayor Powers attended the bike race, Transportation Commission and Lafco

    2. Staff Communications / Fire Report / Sheriff's Report / Air Quality Report

      Fire report provided by Mayor Pro-Tem Morton. Undersheriff Hermann reported on the positive experience during the bike race and commented that the tourism season is beginning to ramp up.

      Mikki from Air Quality reported on grant funding and gave a report on the wood stove change-out program.

    3. City Manager Report

      Interim City Manager reported the pool is open. lessons will begin in July, and the swim team has been permitted to sell concessions as a fundraiser.
      Next year's Gravel Grinder is requesting June 15th as next year's race, and Mayor Pro-Tem Morton reminded the public that it's also High School graduation weekend.

  4. Consent Agenda
    1. Claims- Adopt Resolution No. 2547 authorizing payment of claims for the period of  May 25, 2023 though June 14, 2023

      Accounts Payable: $90,343.03

      Payroll: $56,400.60

      Total: $146,743.63

      AP Check Run #44915– 44964

      Payroll Check Run #17255 – 17260

      Councilmember Leah Turner motioned to approve. Mayor Pro Tem Pat Morton seconded the motion.

      The roll call vote:

        Aye   Mayor Bill Powers     Aye   Mayor Pro Tem Pat Morton     Aye   Councilmember Stan Peiler     Aye   Councilmember Leah Turner     Aye   Councilmember Jim Murphy  
  5. Renew State of Emergency Proclamation

    Interim City Manager Jon Kennedy explained we have to do this every 60 days and it was the same process as the last time. The meeting dates don't always perfectly align with the 60 days so we need to approve it sometimes before the time lapses. Councilmember Leah Turner asked how long we need to do this for. Jon Kennedy stated as long as state funds are available to us for this emergency. Once there is no more opportunity for funding, the SOE can end. 

    Mayor Pro Tem Pat Morton motioned to approve. Councilmember Jim Murphy seconded the motion.

    The motion passed with the following vote:
      5   In Favor      0   Opposed
      0   Abstained      0   Absent         Recused

  6. Contract 22 - Portola STIP - North Loop Phase 1 Progress Payment No. 1

    Engineer Dan Bastian went over the nature of the work for the first payment of the North Loop Phase 1 project. The work is related to 32 potholes that were done. There were no public comments. Motion to approve the first payment of the North Loop Phase 1 project in the amount of $75,177.04 

    Councilmember Stan Peiler motioned to approve. Mayor Pro Tem Pat Morton seconded the motion.

    The roll call vote:

      Aye   Mayor Bill Powers     Aye   Mayor Pro Tem Pat Morton     Aye   Councilmember Stan Peiler     Aye   Councilmember Leah Turner     Aye   Councilmember Jim Murphy  

  7. Resolution 2548 - A resolution of the City Council of the City of Portola adopting a list of projects for the fiscal year 2023-34 funded by SB-1

    Engineer Dan Bastian  said that this is apart of government transparency and we have to specify how this money is going to be spent.  

    Mayor Pro Tem Pat Morton motioned to approve. Councilmember Stan Peiler seconded the motion.

    The roll call vote:

      Aye   Mayor Bill Powers     Aye   Mayor Pro Tem Pat Morton     Aye   Councilmember Stan Peiler     Aye   Councilmember Leah Turner     Aye   Councilmember Jim Murphy  

  8. Public Hearing: 2023-2024 Proposed Operating Budget 

    Financial Officer Susan Scarlett went over the changes to do the proposed budget since the Budget workshop. Mayor Bill Powers opened the public hearing for the 2023-2024 proposed operating budget. There were no comments or questions from the public. Mayor Bill Powers then closed the public hearing for public comment. 

  9. Adjournment

    Meeting adjourned at 6:41 PM by Mayor Bill Powers.