City of Portola
Regular Meeting
August 23, 2023 06:00 PM
35 Third Ave Portola, CA 96122
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at by Mayor Bill Powers.6:02 PM
Pledge of Allegiance
Led by Mayor Bill Powers
Roll Call
Present: Mayor Bill Powers, Mayor Pro Tem Pat Morton, Councilmember Stan Peiler, Councilmember Leah Turner, Councilmember Jim Murphy
Staff Present: Interim City Manager - Jon Kennedy, Deputy City Clerk - Jason Shaw, Financial Officer Susan Scarlett , City Attorney -Steve Gross (remotely)
Pledge of Allegiance
Public Comments
No public comments.
City Council Communications / Committee Reports
Councilmember Stan Peiler: No Report
Councilmember Leah Turner: No Report
Councilmember Jim Murphy: No Report
Mayor Pro Tem Pat Morton: Attended the recent LAFCo meeting, Transportation Commission meeting, and the Beckwourth Fire District meeting.
Mayor Bill Powers: Also attended the recent LAFCo meeting and the Transportation Commission meeting. At the Transportation meeting they discussed ways to use STIP funding. Not much funding is available but there are some local funds that can be used for small road or transportation projects.
Staff Communications / Fire Report / Sheriff's Report / Air Quality Report
Fire Report: No report.
Sheriff's Report: No report.
Air Quality Report: No report.
Mayor Pro Tem Pat Morton noted that typically these reports are given at the beginning of the month.
City Manager Report
With the help of Project GO we have now paid over $31,000 in back utility bills. That includes 15 accounts with an average of $2,000 per account.
We are working with an organization to add EV chargers to Commercial Street. They will be the first public EV chargers in Plumas County. We are just finishing up the details on how many EV chargers will be put in.
Snow season is already close and this year we will be more strict on vehicles parking on the street during snow plowing. We want to be sure the roads are clear so that the snow plows can effectively plow the streets.
Consent Agenda
Claims- Adopt Resolution No. 2557 authorizing payment of claims for the period of August 10, 2023 though August 23, 2023
Accounts Payable: $605,861.97
Payroll: $28,014.43
Total: $633,876.40
AP Check Run #45135– 45179Payroll Check Run #17294 – 17298
Approval of the Minutes from 8-9-23
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Bill Powers Aye Mayor Pro Tem Pat Morton Aye Councilmember Stan Peiler Aye Councilmember Leah Turner Aye Councilmember Jim Murphy
Consider approval of Resolution No. 2558 to enroll the City Direct Charges on the County Property Tax bills
Financial Officer Susan Scarlett stated this resolution item comes up every year. The resolution allows the City to put certain direct charges (fire tax) onto the Plumas County Property Tax rolls. This years total amount is for $19,615.44 on 1,546 parcels. This has to be done this way because it isn't a regular property tax.
Councilmember Jim Murphy motioned to approve. Councilmember Stan Peiler seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Bill Powers Aye Mayor Pro Tem Pat Morton Aye Councilmember Stan Peiler Aye Councilmember Leah Turner Aye Councilmember Jim Murphy
Sheriff Contract 2023-2024
Interim City Manager Jon Kennedy explained the Sherriff's Contract is the same as last year's, just the dates were changed for this year.
The contract for police service between the City of Portola and Plumas County Sheriff's Office for the 2023-2024 year is for $130,000.
Councilmember Stan Peiler motioned to approve. Councilmember Leah Turner seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Bill Powers Aye Mayor Pro Tem Pat Morton Aye Councilmember Stan Peiler Aye Councilmember Leah Turner Aye Councilmember Jim Murphy
Dog Park
Councilmember Leah Turner brought up the idea of a dog park in the City of Portola for discussion. The purpose of the discussion is to see if the council desires a dog park in the city and if so, giving some direction to City staff. Councilmember Leah Turner estimates the cost for the dog park between $10,000 and $15,000.
The City Council discussed the various locations the dog park could be and discussed the pros and cons behind them. Members from the public also weighed in on the possible dog park locations. The City Council directed City staff to investigate the costs associated with the dog park further and to bring their findings back to the Council.
Mayor Bill Powers adjourned the City Council meeting at 6:51 PM.