City of Portola
Regular Meeting
March 27, 2024 06:00 PM
35 Third Ave, Portola, CA 96122

  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Pat Morton.

    1. Pledge of Allegiance
      Led by Mayor Pat Morton

    2. Roll Call

      Present: Mayor Pat Morton, Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy, Councilmember Bill Powers, Councilmember Stan Peiler, Councilmember Leah Turner

      Staff Present: Finance Officer, Susan Scarlett; DeputyCity Clerk, Jason Shaw; City Attorney, Steve Gross (remotely)

  2. Public Comments

    There were no public comments.

    1. City Council Communications / Committee Reports

      Councilmember Leah Turner: Had a question about how often the Sherriff's vehicle on Mohawk is moved. It was present during snow removal and needs to be moved now and again.

      Councilmember Stan Peiler: No report but wanted to comment that the police car on Mohawk is there to deter people from speeding in that area and has helped with that issue.

      Councilmember Bill Powers: Juvenile Justice Council approved their annual budget. Attended the recent Air Quality meeting. EPA was there to go over the new air quality guidelines effecting the City of Portola and Plumas County.

      Mayor Pro Tem Jim Murphy: Nothing to report but wanted to comment that Public Works should look into getting regular signs made for the bridge warnings instead of renting the electronic sign.

      Mayor Pat Morton: Received a call from Chuck Dayton about IMD fees. Is scheduling an Infrastructure Committee meeting with IMD, Tom Valentino, and Jim Murphy. 

    2. Staff Communications / Fire Report / Sheriff's Report / Air Quality Report

      Fire Report: There were 19 calls in the City of Portola in February. 

      Sheriff's Report: Nothing to report.

      Air Quality Report by Targeted Airshed Grant Specialist Mikki Brown:$1,280,000 of grant funding has been spent to date. 175 homes in the city limits have a new wood stove. Air quality held a meeting with the EPA to go over the new air quality guidelines effecting the City of Portola and Plumas County. Chimney sweep vouchers are available again. 

      No City Manager Report.

  4. Consent Agenda
    1. Claims- Adopt Resolution No. 2570 authorizing payment of claims for the period of  March 14th, 2024  though March 27th, 2024.

      Accounts Payable: $184,771.22

      Payroll: $47,625.56

      Total: $232,396.78

      AP Check Run #45721 - 45753

      Voided Checks: #44488, 45517,45325

      Payroll Check Run #17336 - 17337

    2. Approval of the Minutes from 3-20-24

    Councilmember Leah Turner had a question about Manhard Consulting fees. Finance Officer Susan Scarlett explained they were for services rendered. 

    Councilmember Stan Peiler motioned to approve. Councilmember Bill Powers seconded the motion.

    The roll call vote:

      Aye   Mayor Pat Morton     Aye   Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy     Aye   Councilmember Bill Powers     Aye   Councilmember Stan Peiler     Aye   Councilmember Leah Turner  

  5. Public Comment – 2024/2025 Budget Preparation

    Finance Officer Susan Scarlett explained this was the first of two opportunities for the public to comment on the upcoming budget. Public comments on the proposed budget will also be on April 10th. There is a budget workshop scheduled for May 8th.  The public hearing for the budget is scheduled for June. 

    There were no public comments on the budget.

  6. Search for Regular Full-Time City Manager

    The Ad Hoc Committee met with Leslie and Susan.  They worked on an ad and brochure. Application process is going to take a while. First review of applicants will be on May 22nd. Proposed pay range for the Regular City manager position is $95,000 - $125,000 and that is based on comparable smaller cities. 

    Mayor Pro Tem Jim Murphy raised a concern with the page range being too low. Council agreed to increase the range of pay to $105,000 - $135,000 from the previous proposed figure.

    It was decided to accept applicants though June 13th.

    A member of the public had a question about how the position would be advertised. It was explained that there are government agencies the City can post through, as well as online. Another member of the public asked if the person doing this position would be required to be local? The response was yes, they would be required to live within 15 minutes of the City Limits.

    Motion to approve the proposed Regular City Manager pay range of $105,000 - $135,000 with the first round of applicants being due by June 13th.

    Councilmember Leah Turner motioned to approve. Councilmember Stan Peiler seconded the motion.

    The roll call vote:

      Aye   Mayor Pat Morton     Aye   Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy     Aye   Councilmember Bill Powers     Aye   Councilmember Stan Peiler     Aye   Councilmember Leah Turner  

  7. Review Ad Hoc Committee Tasks 

    Finance Officer Susan Scarlett said there needed to be a discussion on the scope of the Regular City Manager Search Committee. Originally, the ad hoc committee was setup with a very narrow scope.

    The interview process for the Regular City Manager still needs to be decided.

    City Attorney Steve Gross commented that the committee can be as broad in scope as the City Council desires.

    The committee will meet again in mid May to discuss the interview process.

  8. Interim City Manager

    The City Council decided to go into closed session for agenda item 9 and 10 before item 8 went up for discussion. 

    Finance Officer Susan Scarlett said she was willing to step in to be Interim City Manager until a Regular City Manager could be found. This would be a separate agreement with the City of Portola and will be up for review at the first Council meeting in April. It retroactively goes into effect April 1st.

    Motion to appoint Susan Scarlett as the City of Portola Interim City Manager. 

    Note that Councilmember Stan Peiler had to leave the meeting earlier and was absent for this vote.

    Councilmember Leah Turner motioned to approve. Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy seconded the motion.

    The roll call vote:

      Aye   Mayor Pat Morton     Aye   Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy     Aye   Councilmember Bill Powers     Aye   Councilmember Leah Turner     Absent   Councilmember Stan Peiler  

  9. Closed Session
    1. Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 – Public Employee Appointment - Interim City Manager

      No action was taken in closed session.

  10. Closed Session
    1. Conference with Labor Negotiators - Negotiating parties for the Ciy, Mayor Morton and Mayor Pro-Tem Murphy

      No action was taken in closed session.

  11. Adjournment

    Meeting adjourned by Mayor Pat Morton at 7:37PM