City of Portola
Regular Meeting
April 24, 2024 06:00 PM
35 Third Ave, Portola, CA 96122

  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Pat Morton.

    1. Pledge of Allegiance
      Led by Mayor Pat Morton

    2. Roll Call

      Present: Mayor Pat Morton, Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy, Councilmember Bill Powers, Councilmember Stan Peiler, Councilmember Leah Turner

      Staff Present: Interim City Manager - Susan Scarlett; Deputy City Clerk- Jason Shaw, City Attorney - Steve Gross (remotely)

  2. Public Comments

    There were no public comments.

    1. City Council Communications / Committee Reports

      Councilmember Leah Turner: Worked with Director of Public Works Todd Roberts on finding a suitable location for the dog park. New location is at Baldwin Park. 

      Councilmember Stan Peiler: Nothing to Report.

      Councilmember Bill Powers:  Have 4 bands for Music in the Park so far and looking for 3 more. Attended County Transportation Commission meeting. Cromberg project will begin soon; they will try to limit delays to 30 minutes. 

      Mayor Pro Tem Jim Murphy: Nothing to Report

      Mayor Pat Morton: Attended County Transportation Commission meeting. Also, attended the Finance and Administration meeting.

    2. Staff Communications / Fire Report / Sheriff's Report / Air Quality Report

      Fire Report by Mayor Pat Morton: Beckwourth Fire reported 22 calls in March.

      Air Quality Report by Deputy City Clerk Jason Shaw on behalf of Targeted Airshed Specialist Mikki Brown: There are 20 vouchers left for curbside green waste. There are also vouchers for firewood and chimney sweeps. Air Quality will be hosting its Home Heating Event May 18th at the Veteran's Hall from 12 - 4 PM.

      Sherriff's Report: There was no Sherriff's report. 

    3. City Manager's Report

      -Met with Karen Downs and Susan Summerford on Planning. Updated the list of things that need to be done and should have the General Plan up for City Council adoption on June 12th or 26th.  

      -No new update on the bridge, CalTrans and MGE Engineering are still discussing. 

      -The Pool is hiring Lifeguards. An ad for Public Works temporary positions has been posted. The City continues the search for a City Manager. 

      -Hope to have the Pool open by June 14th. 

      -Budget workshop will be held May 8th at 3:30 PM at City Hall. 

      -A Baldwin Park is the new location for the dog park.

      -The City experienced vandalism last night at the Basketball Courts. A fire was started on the court which damaged the surface of the courts. 

      -The job description is complete for the Community Engagement Officer. Will be bringing it to the Council at the next meeting for approval. 

      -Will be attending the Plumas County Disaster Council meeting on Thursday. 

  4. Consent Agenda
    1. Claims- Adopt Resolution No. 2572 authorizing payment of claims for the period of  April 11, 2024  though April 24th, 2024.

      Accounts Payable: $107,038.91

      Payroll: $20,785.16

      Total: $127,824.07

      AP Check Run #45794  – 45836

      Deposit Refund Checks: #45837-45840

      Payroll Check: #17339

      Payroll Remittance Check #17340

    2. Approval of the City Council Minutes from 4-10-24, 3-27-24, and the Finance and Administration Committee Minutes from 4-10-24

    There were no public comments. There was no additional discussion. 

    Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy motioned to approve. Councilmember Stan Peiler seconded the motion.

    The roll call vote:

      Aye   Mayor Pat Morton     Aye   Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy     Aye   Councilmember Bill Powers     Aye   Councilmember Stan Peiler     Aye   Councilmember Leah Turner  

  5. Councilmember Resignation / Certificate of Appreciation

    Councilmember Stan Peiler is resigning from the City Council and this will be his last meeting. Mayor Pat Morton recognized his many years of service on the City Council and to the City of Portola. She presented him with a Certificate of Appreciation. Councilmember Stan Peiler thanked the Council and the City Staff. Mayor Pat Morton excused Councilmember Stan Peiler from the rest of the City Council meeting. 

  6. Certificate of Appreciation

    Mayor Pat Morton thanked Jon Kennedy for his years of service to the City of Portola and presented a Certificate of Appreciation from the City of Portola. 

  7. Councilmember Vacancy

    Interim City Manager Susan Scarlett explained the City Council has 60 days from the date of vacancy to fill the seat. This can be done with an appointment or a special election but the City would have to pay for the special election. An exact figure is not known but estimated costs would likely be between $5,000 and $10,000. Typically, the City Council has filled past vacancies by appointment. Interested parties would submit a letter of interest and then at a future meeting they would attend and express their interest to the Council. If there is no appointment or special election, the seat will sit vacant until the general election in November. If the position is left vacant, it might be harder to for the City Council to meet quorum. 

    Councilmember Leah Turner suggested the Council should work to appoint someone and see who is interested. 

    The City Council adopted a schedule where letters of interest in the Council vacancy are due by May 30th by 5 PM. The City Council could appoint someone at the June 12th meeting. 

    There were no public comments.

    Councilmember Leah Turner motioned to approve. Councilmember Bill Powers seconded the motion.

    The roll call vote:

      Aye   Mayor Pat Morton     Aye   Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy     Aye   Councilmember Bill Powers     Aye   Councilmember Leah Turner     Absent   Councilmember Stan Peiler  

  8. Mayor's Appointment to the Airport Land Use Commission

    Mayor Pat Morton appointed Mayor Pro Tem Jim Murphy to the vacancy on the Airport Land Use Commission. 

    There were no public comments.

  9. Water Treatment Plant Ownership Resolution #2573

    Interim City Manager Susan Scarlett went over the history of the ownership of the water treatment plant. We now have a good path forward on getting the ownership transfer finished. City Attorney Steve Gross has been working diligently with the County on getting good language for this Resolution. The Resolution will give ownership and responsibility of operating the water treatment plant officially to the City of Portola. 

     If the Council passes it tonight, it still needs to be approved by the County Board of Supervisors to complete the transfer. 

    There were no public comments.

    Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy motioned to approve. Councilmember Bill Powers seconded the motion.

    The roll call vote:

      Aye   Mayor Pat Morton     Aye   Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy     Aye   Councilmember Bill Powers     Aye   Councilmember Leah Turner     Absent   Councilmember Stan Peiler  

  10. Surplus 1948 Ford firetruck

    Interim City Manager Susan Scarlett stated that the Finance and Administration Committee met and discussed declaring the 48 Ford Firetruck surplus. The truck is not included in the asset transfers to the new district. The Finance and Administration committee recommendation was to surplus. The Council was in agreement and there will be a Resolution to formally surplus the vehicle on the next agenda. 

    Councilmember Bill Powers motioned to approve. Councilmember Leah Turner seconded the motion.

    The roll call vote:

      Aye   Mayor Pat Morton     Aye   Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy     Aye   Councilmember Bill Powers     Aye   Councilmember Leah Turner     Absent   Councilmember Stan Peiler  

  11. Landowner Agreement for the Eastern Plumas Wildfire Protection Project

    Interim City Manager Susan Scarlett explained that Cal Fire awarded 6 million to Plumas Fire Safe Council. The complete coverage map was included in the backup documents. Map includes 3,000 acres total and over 200 landowners. 

    City Attorney Steve Gross had some questions about insurance. 

    Mayor Pro Tem Jim Murphy asked City Attorney Steve Gross if he should recuse himself due to living close to the properties being discussed. City Attorney Steve Gross recommended that he should do so given his close proximity. Mayor Pro Tem Jim Murphy left the chambers for the discussion and the vote. 

    There were no public comments.

    Councilmember Leah Turner is in favor of the proposal due to past wildfires in the area. The motion to approve was made with the stipulation that City Attorney Gross approve wording in the contract regarding insurance. Direction was given for the Interim City Manager to execute the agreement with that stipulation.

    Councilmember Leah Turner motioned to approve. Councilmember Bill Powers seconded the motion.

    The roll call vote:

      Aye   Mayor Pat Morton     Aye   Councilmember Bill Powers     Aye   Councilmember Leah Turner     Absent   Councilmember Stan Peiler     Recused   Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy  

  12. Adjournment

    Meeting adjourned by Mayor Pat Morton at 6:45 PM.