City of Portola
Regular Meeting
June 12, 2024 06:00 PM
35 Third Ave, Portola, CA 96122
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy.Mayor Pro Tem Jim Murphy chaired the meeting at the request of Mayor Pat Morton.
Pledge of Allegiance
Led by Mayor Pat Morton
Roll Call
Present: Mayor Pat Morton, Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy, Councilmember Bill Powers
Absent: Councilmember Leah Turner
Staff Present: Interim City Manager - Susan Scarlett, Deputy City Clerk - Jason Shaw, City Attorney - Steve Gross (remotely), Planning Consultant from Manhard Consulting - Karen Downs (remotely)
Pledge of Allegiance
Public Comments
Richard Johnson from the public left a public comment about drainage issues near his property. Staci Johnson from the public left a public comment about dust control on the dirt road near their property. Lindsey Shaw from the public left a public comment about changing the City logo to a pitchfork.
City Council Communications Including Committee Reports
Mayor Pat Morton: Attended the LAFCo meeting on Monday. Indian Valley Fire District is merging with Crescent Mills Fire District and Peninsula Fire will be taking over the Chester area.
Mayor Pro Tem Jim Muphy; Attended LAFCo meeting on Monday. The Grizzly Lake CSD Municipal Service review was on the agenda.
Councilmember Bill Powers: Nothing to report.
Councilmember Leah Turner was absent.
Staff Communications / Fire Report / Sheriff's Report / Air Quality Report
Fire Report: Nothing to report.
Sheriff's Report: Lindsey Shaw from the public reported that the ribbon cutting and opening of the new County jail was great.
Air Quality Report by Targeted Airshed Specialist Mikki Brown: Green waste days end June 25th; there are still12 remaining vouchers for curbside green waste pickup for the elderly or those who are in need.
City Manager's Report
Interim CIty Manager Susan Scarlett:
•Public works has been busy with paving projects all over the City and preparing for the Lost and Found Gravel Grinder which bring in approximately 3,000 visitors.
•The City has been having a hard time getting parts for the water treatment plant.
•The City is working on scheduling another meeting between IMD and the Infrastructure committee.
•The City is looking into water bottle fillers for City Hall and the pool to help cut down the use of single use plastic bottles and for the convenience of the public.
Consent Agenda
Claims- Adopt Resolution No. 2580 authorizing payment of claims for the period of April 25th, 2024 though May 8th, 2024.
Accounts Payable: $123,898.55
Payroll: $26,177.73
Total: $150,076.28
AP Check Run #45841 – 45876Payroll Check Run #17341 – 17343
Payroll Remittance Check #17344
Approval of the City Council Minutes for 5-22-24
Interim City Manager Susan Scarlett pointed out that check number 4966 was incorrectly made out to Beckwourth Fire Department, and should have been made out instead to Beckwourth Peak Fire Protection District. The original check was voided and the correct check was issued.
There were no public comments.
Councilmember Bill Powers motioned to approve. Mayor Pat Morton seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Pat Morton Aye Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy Aye Councilmember Bill Powers Absent Councilmember Leah Turner
Fill City Council Vacancy
Letters of interest for the Council vacancy were submitted by Rebecca Carlson and Mikki Brown. Both candidates met all the required qualifications. The candidates were each asked to give a statement to the City Council about their interest in joining the Council.
The City Council thanked both applicants for applying and felt both are more than qualified to join the City Council.
Councilmember Bill Powers nominated Mikki Brown to the City Council vacancy. Mayor Morton seconded the nomination. The nomination was unanimously approved.
Deputy City Clerk Jason Shaw administered the Oath of Office to Mikki Brown after she was appointed by the City Council to fill the Council vacancy.
There were no public comments.
Councilmember Bill Powers motioned to approve. Mayor Pat Morton seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Pat Morton Aye Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy Aye Councilmember Bill Powers Absent Councilmember Leah Turner
Mayor appointments for Integrated Waste Management Board and Community Development committee
Mayor Pat Morton appointed Councilmember Mikki Brown to the Integrated Waste Management Board with Councilmember Bill Powers appointed as the alternate.
Mayor Pat Morton appointed Councilmember Bill Powers to the Community Development Committee. Councilmember Leah Turner will remain on the Community Development Committee.
Request to the City for funding to support the Big Boy Event July 10, 2024
The Feather River Rail Society presented to the City Council a request for funds to help with the Big Boy Train Event on July 10th, 2024. They are looking for help with costs associated with Porta Potties and fencing. The City obtained a cost estimate for the Porta Potties, which is around $2,100. The Feather River Rail Society did not have an estimate for fencing.
Lindsey Shaw from the public expressed concerns with the City giving funding to an event that sells tickets and is not free for the town's citizens.
Councilmember Bill Powers brought up that he feels more comfortable giving funding for costs that are definite and used just for the specific event like the Porta Potties.
The Feather River Rail Society pointed out that they use this event as a fundraiser which is why they are selling tickets.
City Attorney Steve Gross spoke to the gift of public funds issue. He said that the Council could make a finding that the event is serving a public purpose (good) which would allow the use of City Funds.
Motion to approve funding for the Porta Potties by Bill Powers.
Councilmember Bill Powers motioned to approve. Mayor Pat Morton seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Pat Morton Aye Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy Aye Councilmember Bill Powers Aye Councilmember Mikki Brown Absent Councilmember Leah Turner
Public Hearing - Resolution No. 2579 General Plan Update
Karen Downs, Planning Consultant from Manhard Consulting, went over the proposed changes to the City of Portola 2045 General Plan. She noted there was an update to the fire service sections and the plan has updated air quality standards.
Mayor Pro Tem Jim Murphy opened the public hearing for public comments.
There were no comments from the public.
Mayor Pro Tem Jim Murphy closed the public hearing.
No additional comments or questions from the City Council.
Councilmember Mikki Brown motioned to approve. Councilmember Bill Powers seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Pat Morton Aye Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy Aye Councilmember Bill Powers Aye Councilmember Mikki Brown Absent Councilmember Leah Turner
PUBLIC HEARING - Proposed 2024-2025 Budget
Interim City Manager Susan Scarlett explained this agenda item gives the public an opportunity to comment publicly on the proposed budget for the City of Portola for the 2024-2025 year.
Mayor Pro Tem Jim Murphy opened the public hearing for public comment.
There were no public comments on the proposed budget.
Mayor Pro Tem Jim Murphy closed the public hearing.
There were no questions or comments from the City Council.
No additional action needed to be taken. The budget will be on the June 26th agenda for adoption.
Discuss appointing a Hearing Officer for a public hearing on a Conditional Use Permit
Interim City Manager Susan Scarlett explained that in the absence of a City Planning Commission, the City Manager would normally run the public hearing for a conditional use permit. However, because Interim City Manager Susan Scarlett has a conflict of interest as the person applying for the permit is a client of hers, the City Council needs to appoint someone else to conduct the hearing on the permit. Interim City Manager recused herself and left the Council chambers.
City Attorney Steve Gross confirmed what Interim City Manager Susan Scarlett stated and made a recommendation to the City Council that Manhard Consulting should conduct the conditional use permit hearing.
There were no public comments.
Councilmember Bill Powers motioned to approve. Mayor Pat Morton seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Pat Morton Aye Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy Aye Councilmember Bill Powers Aye Councilmember Mikki Brown Absent Councilmember Leah Turner
Resolution No. 2581 - Calling a general municipal election for the City of Portola
Deputy City Clerk Jason Shaw explained that this resolution and the following resolution were for calling a General Municipal election and then consolidating the election with the County.
The first resolution calls for a City election during the General Election on November 5th. This election is for 3 City Councilmembers, the City Clerk, and the City Treasurer. These positions are being elected for a full 4-year term.
Deputy City Clerk Jason Shaw noted that this election will be carried out by mail in ballot.
Once passed, the resolution gives the Deputy City Clerk the authorization to set the election timetable and give further election instructions.
There were no public comments.
Mayor Pat Morton motioned to approve. Councilmember Mikki Brown seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Pat Morton Aye Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy Aye Councilmember Bill Powers Aye Councilmember Mikki Brown Absent Councilmember Leah Turner
Resolution No. 2582 - Requesting consolidation with the County on the election
Deputy City Clerk Jason Shaw explained that this resolution will consolidate the election that was just authorized by the previous resolution with Plumas County's election on November 5th, 2024.
This means the City's election will be on the same ballot as the County's election. It authorizes the County Clerk to conduct the election on behalf of the City of Portola.
Deputy City Clerk Jason Shaw mentioned that the City of Portola would still need to pay for the costs associated with the City election.
There were no public comments.
Councilmember Bill Powers motioned to approve. Councilmember Mikki Brown seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Pat Morton Aye Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy Aye Councilmember Bill Powers Aye Councilmember Mikki Brown Absent Councilmember Leah Turner
Meeting adjourned at 6:59 PM by Mayor Pro Tem Jim Murphy.