City of Portola
Regular Meeting
June 26, 2024 06:00 PM
35 Third Ave, Portola, CA 96122
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Pat Morton.
Pledge of Allegiance
Led by Mayor Pat Morton
Roll Call
Present: Mayor Pat Morton, Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy, Councilmember Bill Powers, Councilmember Leah Turner, Councilmember Mikki Brown
Staff Present: Interim City Manager - Susan Scarlett
Pledge of Allegiance
- Public Comments
City Council Communications / Committee Reports
Councilmember Brown reported on graffiti that she saw on the Riverwalk that was cleaned up quickly by Public Works.
Councilmember Powers reported that he attended the Transportation Commission meeting and Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council.
Councilmember Turner - no report
Mayor Pro Tem Murphy attended a lengthy SCORE meeting where insurance costs for the upcoming year were discussed.
Mayor Morton attended the Transportation Commission meeting and the Gravel Grinder
Staff Communications / Fire Report / Sheriff's Report / Air Quality Report
Mayor Morton gave a Fire Report for the 4 Districts that will become the new Beckwourth Peak Fire Protection District. The number of medical calls and fires for the total of the districts which was 47 Regular and 8 Fire calls.
Mikki Brown from Air Quality gave a report that the Plumas County Fire Safe Council shut down the Biomass Project due to economic issues. 12 homes received 2 chords of firewood each under the Firewood Project and there are 5 pending deliveries. The free Greenwaste program at the transfer station was over on June 25th but they do have vouchers left for curbside green waste pickup.
City Manager's Report
Interim City Manager Scarlett reported the following:
-Scarlett gave an update on Lost and Found Gravel Grinder – there were 969 racers and the City received $12,412.50 in camping fees.
-Dan Bastian, Todd Roberts and Interim City Manager Scarlett went to Richard Johnson’s to look at the drainage. Dan Bastian thought it had held up well and was going to review some property lines and will get back to us. We will contact Mr. Johnson at that point.
– The street sweeper broke down on commercial street but has been fixed. It might be on its last legs but Public works will repair it as long as possible.
-The Loss control grant funds provided by SCORE have been rolled over to 24-25 and there are specific projects already in the works for that funding
-Scarlett reported that AT&T sent a letter regarding rural areas and telephone service. AB 2797 has been introduced
Consent Agenda
Claims- Adopt Resolution No. 2583 authorizing payment of claims for the period of June 13th, 2024 though June 26, 2024.
Accounts Payable: $94,926.11
Payroll: $26,291.06
Total: $121,217.17
AP Check Run #45967 – 46000AP Special Check #45966
AP Deposit Refund Check #46001
AP Voided Checks: #45906,55922
Payroll Check Run #17341 – 17343
Payroll Remittance Check #17344
Approval of the City Council Minutes from 6-12-2024
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Pat Morton Aye Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy Aye Councilmember Bill Powers Aye Councilmember Leah Turner Aye Councilmember Mikki Brown
Renew State of Emergency Proclamation
Councilmember Bill Powers motioned to approve. Councilmember Mikki Brown seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Pat Morton Aye Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy Aye Councilmember Bill Powers Aye Councilmember Leah Turner Aye Councilmember Mikki Brown
City Manager and Community Engagement Officer recruitment
The City Council received an update from the Ad Hoc committee and from Leslie Chrysler on the recruitment efforts for City Manager. At this time no candidates are being interviewed. The position will be posted again and the City will be looking for a broader range of advertising options. The City Council gave direction to increase the salary range to a range of $120,000 to $160,000. Mayor Pro-tem Murphy said that some of the SCORE cities are looking for City Managers and all are having the same situation.
Interim City Manager Scarlett reported on the recruitment efforts for the Community Engagement Officer. The City has applicants to interview and initial interviews will be conducted during the second week of July.
GANN Limit, Investment Policy, Pay Schedules and CCR 570.5 resolution and Budget Adoption
Review and adopt Resolution 2586, Investment Policy
Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy motioned to approve. Councilmember Leah Turner seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Pat Morton Aye Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy Aye Councilmember Bill Powers Aye Councilmember Leah Turner Aye Councilmember Mikki BrownReview and adopt Resolution 2587, Pay schedules and CCR 570.5 compliance
Councilmember Bill Powers motioned to approve. Councilmember Mikki Brown seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Pat Morton Aye Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy Aye Councilmember Bill Powers Aye Councilmember Leah Turner Aye Councilmember Mikki BrownReview and adopt Resolution 2588, GANN appropriations limit
Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy motioned to approve. Councilmember Leah Turner seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Pat Morton Aye Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy Aye Councilmember Bill Powers Aye Councilmember Leah Turner Aye Councilmember Mikki BrownReview and adopt Resolution 2589, adopting the 24-25 City of Portola budget.
Councilmember Bill Powers motioned to approve. Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Pat Morton Aye Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy Aye Councilmember Bill Powers Aye Councilmember Leah Turner Aye Councilmember Mikki Brown
City of Portola Landfill required Agreement and Resolution NO. 2584
Interim City Manager Scarlett discussed the Pledge of Revenue Agreement and Resolution for the City Landfill. Scarlett pointed out that wording on the resolution when the City first received it needed to be changed and CalRecycle was contacted and worked with the City on that change.
She also pointed out that the City sets aside all of the Landfill closure fees annually to be able to meet any obligations regarding the Landfill.
Mayor Pro-Tem Murphy reported that the City insurance pool, SCORE, offers Landfill insurance. Staff will look into that.
Councilmember Leah Turner motioned to approve. Councilmember Bill Powers seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Pat Morton Aye Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy Aye Councilmember Bill Powers Aye Councilmember Leah Turner Aye Councilmember Mikki Brown
City of Portola Operational Procedures
for Purchasing Materials, Supplies, Parts and Equipment and Public Works Improvements update and Resolution NO. 2585
Interim City Manager Scarlett discussed the need for an update to the Purchasing Policy for the City. She explained the changes being made to the policy which included changing the term City Administrator or City Manager, deleting the references to purchase orders and increasing the limits for quotes and bids. Public works project limits stay the same as they are governed by California law. Councilmember Mikki Brown motioned to approve. Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Pat Morton Aye Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy Aye Councilmember Bill Powers Aye Councilmember Leah Turner Aye Councilmember Mikki Brown
City of Portola and Beckwourth Peak Fire Protection District Asset Transfer Agreement
The Council considered the Asset transfer agreement between the City of Portola and the new Beckwourth Peak Fire Protection District. The agreement was passed with the effective date of June 30, 2024 and two minor changes. Councilmember Bill Powers motioned to approve. Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy seconded the motion.
The roll call vote:
Aye Mayor Pat Morton Aye Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy Aye Councilmember Bill Powers Aye Councilmember Leah Turner Aye Councilmember Mikki Brown
Mayor Morton adjourned the meeting at 6:46 PM