City of Portola
Regular Meeting
August 14, 2024 06:00 PM
35 Third Ave, Portola, CA 96122

  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Pat Morton.

    1. Pledge of Allegiance
      Led by Mayor Pat Morton

    2. Roll Call

      Present: Mayor Pat Morton, Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy, Councilmember Bill Powers, Councilmember Leah Turner, Councilmember Mikki Brown

      Staff Present: Steve Gross, City Attorney; Susan Scarlett, Interim City Manager/Finance Officer

  2. Public Comments

    Various comments provided by members of the public; and include Deborah Bress, Lindsey Shaw, Ashlee Sims, Leslie Chrysler, and Cal Patterson.

  3. City Communications
    1. City Council Communications

      Councilmember Leah Turner:  No report

      Councilmember Bill Powers:  Attended Music in the Park; Portola Penguins.

      Councilmember Mikki Brown:  Attended the Plumas County Integrated Waste Management Task Force where they reviewed the current Grand Jury Report, and discussed contaminated recycling issue; attended the Plumas County Board of Supervisors meetings; attended the Plumas County FireSafe Council meeting; and attended the Plumas County Firewise Lead meeting.

      Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy:  Attended LAFCo, reviewed Municipal Services Reviews (MSR's), and discussed consolidation of various special districts; attended Music in the Park, and compliments Councilmember Bill Powers for organizing a very a well attended and successful event.

      Mayor Pat Morton:  Attended Music in the Park, and compliments Councilmember Bill Powers for organizing a very successful event.

    2. Staff Communications/Fire Report/Sheriff's Report/Air Quality Report

      Fire Report:  Chad Hermann, Plumas County Undersheriff comments on the recent Gold Mill Complex Fire.  Undersheriff Hermann compliments all those involved during the mandatory evacuation process.

      Sheriff's Report:  Chad Hermann, Plumas County Undersheriff comments on a recent mutual assist with Placer County and Washoe County, NV in the arrest of an individual.  

      Air Quality Report:  Councilmember Mikki Brown reports that the Intermountain Disposal, Free Green Waste Event will be held October 5th to October 15th, 2024.

    3. City Manager's Report

      Susan Scarlett, Interim City Manager:  

      Meeting with Todd Roberts Lori Pini and Travis Goings regarding Office of Emergency Services and cooling centers.  

      Upcoming meeting of August 28th regarding the upcoming striping project on Highway 70.

      Welcomes Brian Attama, Public Engagement Officer.  

      Moving forward with Prop 68 Grant for construction of two bathrooms on the Portola Riverwalk.  

      Continues to meet with MGE Consulting  regarding the Portola bridge project, and working with the Federal Department of Transportation regarding funding for project.

  4. Consent Agenda
    1. Claims - Adopt Resolution No. 2593 authorizing payment of claims for the period of July 19, 2024 through August 8, 2024.

      AP Check Run 46085 – 46141 - $105,236.01

      AP UB Deposit Refund Check 46142 - $183.44

      AP Void Check 46000 - $100.00

      AP Void Check 45951 - $813.00

      Payroll Check 17397 – 17407 - $32,962.58

      Payroll Remit Check 17408 - $129.03

    2. Approval of City Council Minutes from the Regular meetings of 2-14-24, 3-13-24 and the Special Meeting of 7-25-24

    Agenda item 4.A. is removed from the consent agenda to allow for discussion.  Mayor Pat Morton takes comments from the public.  There being no further public comment, the matter is before the Council for decision.  Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy motioned to approve, with second by Councilmember Leah Turner, followed by roll call vote, to adopt Resolution No. 2593 authorizing payment of claims for the period of July 19, 2024 through August 8, 2024.

    Agenda Item 4.B. (Special Meeting of July 25, 2024) is removed from the consent agenda to allow for discussion.  Mayor Pat Morton takes comments from the public.  There is a request from Deborah Bress, a member of the public that her name be removed from the Special Meeting minutes.  There being no further public comment, the matter is before the Council for decision.  Following brief discussion, and comments from Steve Gross, City Attorney, motion is made by Councilmember Bill Powers, second by Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy, and passed, with Councilmember Mikki Brown voting no, to approve the Special Meeting minutes of July 25, 2024, as submitted.

    Agenda Item 4.B.: Further, motion is made by Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy, second by Councilmember Leah Turner and passed, with all those in favor, to approve the Regular meeting minutes of February 14, 2024, and March 13, 2024, as submitted.

    Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy motioned to approve. Councilmember Leah Turner seconded the motion.

    The roll call vote:

      Aye   Mayor Pat Morton     Aye   Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy     Aye   Councilmember Bill Powers     Aye   Councilmember Leah Turner     Aye   Councilmember Mikki Brown  

  5. Consider Approval of a Lot Merger

    Following presentation by Karen Downs, Contract Planner (remotely), Mayor Pro-Tem, JIm Murphy motioned to approve, with second by Councilmember Leah Turner to approve a Lot Merger for 464 and 452 Cedar Ridge Road, APN's 126-184-016 and 126-184-017 to merge the two contiguous parcels.

    Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy motioned to approve. Councilmember Leah Turner seconded the motion.

    The roll call vote:

      Aye   Mayor Pat Morton     Aye   Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy     Aye   Councilmember Bill Powers     Aye   Councilmember Leah Turner     Aye   Councilmember Mikki Brown  

  6. Landowner agreement for the Eastern Plumas County Wildfire Protection Project

    This item is removed from the agenda.

  7. Update to the Pay schedule in compliance with CCR 570.5 for the Community Engagement Officer position

    Upon report and recommendation of Susan Scarlett, Interim City Manager, Councilmember Leah Turner motioned to approve, with second by Councilmember Mikki Brown to update the pay schedule in compliance with CCR 570.5 for the Community Engagement Officer position.  Motion followed by roll call vote.

    Councilmember Leah Turner motioned to approve. Councilmember Mikki Brown seconded the motion.

    The roll call vote:

      Aye   Mayor Pat Morton     Aye   Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy     Aye   Councilmember Bill Powers     Aye   Councilmember Leah Turner     Aye   Councilmember Mikki Brown  

  8. Update on City Manager Recruitment

    The Council receives a report and update on the progress of the City Manager recruitment by the Ad Hoc committee and Councilmember Leah Turner.  The committee has reviewed five applications and is recommending phone interviews be scheduled with the applicants.  Following brief discussion, there is consensus by the Council to proceed as requested.

  9. Public Records requests

    Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy, brings this matter before the Council for discussion.  At this time, the City of Portola is being inundated with Public Records requests.  Mr. Murphy is requesting a monthly report and update by staff regarding the number of Public Records requests received and costs associated to comply with the requests.  Mr. Murphy believes it is important to let the public know how much time is spent and costs associated to fulfill the requests.  

    Mayor Pat Morton takes comments from the public.  There being no further comment, the matter is before the Council for decision.

    Following brief discussion, the Council concurs with the recommendation to receive a monthly report regarding Public Records requests.

  10. Designate Elections Official

    Steve Gross, City Attorney brings this matter before the Council recommending appointment of Melissa Klundby, former Portola City Clerk, to be the City's Election Official, in charge with conducting the General Municipal Election scheduled for Tuesday, November 5, 2024. 

    Mayor Pat Morton takes comments from various members of the public.  There being no further comments, the matter is before the Council for consideration.  

    Mr. Gross confirms that the City is following the California Elections Code and not changing any provisions of the code.

    Following discussion, Councilmember Bill Powers motioned to approve, with second by Councilmember Leah Turner, followed by roll call vote.

    Councilmember Bill Powers motioned to approve. Councilmember Leah Turner seconded the motion.

    The roll call vote:

      Aye   Mayor Pat Morton     Aye   Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy     Aye   Councilmember Bill Powers     Aye   Councilmember Leah Turner     Aye   Councilmember Mikki Brown  

  11. Receive Certification of Insufficient Nominees and Schedule a Special Meeting

    As recommended by Steve Gross, City Attorney, Councilmember Bill Powers motioned to receive Certification of Insufficient Nominees and schedule a special meeting of the Council on  August 21, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. to appoint candidates to office.

    Mayor Pat Morton takes comments from various members of the public.  

    Councilmember Bill Powers motioned to approve. Councilmember Leah Turner seconded the motion.

    The roll call vote:

      Aye   Mayor Pat Morton     Aye   Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy     Aye   Councilmember Bill Powers     Aye   Councilmember Leah Turner     Aye   Councilmember Mikki Brown  

  12. Backhoe Purchase

    Motion made authorizing the purchase of a backhoe, not to exceed $166,768.48 ($75,045.82 to Water, $75,045.82 to Sewer, and $16,676.84 to Snow Removal) of which half will be reimbursed through Highway User Tax Funds.

    Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy motioned to approve. Councilmember Mikki Brown seconded the motion.

    The roll call vote:

      Aye   Mayor Pat Morton     Aye   Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Murphy     Aye   Councilmember Bill Powers     Aye   Councilmember Leah Turner     Aye   Councilmember Mikki Brown  

  13. Adjournment

    Meeting adjourned by Mayor Pat Morton at 8:07 p.m., to meet again on August 21, 2024, in a special meeting, at 6:00 p.m.