Indian Valley Community Services District
Regular Meeting
December 13, 2023 05:30 PM
127 Crescent St., Suite 5, Greenville, CA 95947
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm by Vice-Chair Susan Doran.
Roll Call
Present: Director Wanda Carpenter, Director Mary Cronin, Vice-Chair Susan Doran
Staff Present: Chair Gorbet was attending by phone and due to an agenda posting error did not vote. Adam Cox - General Manager, Jennifer Ayres - Board Clerk, Mike Sunday - Project Utility Manager, Bob Orange - Fire Chief
Pledge of Allegiance
Led by Vice-Chair Susan Doran
Roll Call
Approve the Agenda
Chair Kristine Gorbet motioned to approve. Director Wanda Carpenter seconded the motion.
The motion passed with the following vote:
3 In Favor 0 Opposed
0 Abstained 0 Absent Recused
Public Comments
Kevin Goss, County Supervisor, was here along with Kristy Coughlin from Sitelogic to discuss the possibility of Greenville becoming a microgrid community for our area. This would allow certain locations and services to keep running in the event of a power failure such as schools, utility districts, medical clinics, etc.
Supervisor Goss also wanted to reconfirm that Plumas County is 100% behind and committed to the Public Safety Complex which would house the IVCSD, Indian Valley Fire Department, Plumas District Hospital Ambulance Services and the Plumas County Sheriff's Substation. The county wants to re-invest in this area. They will review their finances and see how they can appropriate funds for that commitment.
Swearing in of Board Members
Board Members who were re-elected took Oath of Office. Kristine Gorbet, Susan Doran, Wanda Carpenter and Mary Cronin.
Election of Board Officers for 2024
Kristine Gorbet was nominated for Board Chair.
Susan Doran was nominated for Vice Chair.
Director Wanda Carpenter motioned to approve. Director Mary Cronin seconded the motion.
The motion passed with the following vote:
3 In Favor 0 Opposed
0 Abstained 0 Absent Recused
Approve Meeting Minutes
October 25, 2023 Minutes Approved.
Director Wanda Carpenter motioned to approve. Director Mary Cronin seconded the motion.
The motion passed with the following vote:
3 In Favor 0 Opposed
0 Abstained 0 Absent Recused
Financials Review: October and November Financials
GM Cox stated there was a reduction of $291,000.00 of income in the Fire Fund. In budget year 2022 we received an insurance check in that amount. It was removed from this year's budget due to the audit that was performed in October of 2023 on the 2022 budget. The auditors said since it was a claim received in 2022, it should stay in the 2022 budget. The cash is still there to be used in the future but it is now reported on the prior year's financial statements. Due to the office team's hard work the audit was conducted ahead of schedule. Results will be available in the near future.
Emergency spending has been up this year, but due to Utility Manager Mike Sundby's diligence, it is slowing down.
The coming year's project is to address past due balances on customer accounts. We have enrolled in an extended Arrearages program that has money left over from COVID relief that will help people with their past due accounts.
Director Mary Cronin motioned to approve. Director Wanda Carpenter seconded the motion.
The motion passed with the following vote:
3 In Favor 0 Opposed
0 Abstained 0 Absent Recused
General Manager Report: By Adam Cox
Next month we will start using a new agenda software online called CivAssist. It is currently being used by LAFCO and the City of Portola. Viewers of the agenda can make comments on agenda items and submit public records requests. Staff training has been scheduled.
Infrastructure plan we are working on for the coming year. Current grant work being completed by Wisewood Energy for the Biomass Plant to be housed at the Public Services Building property.
Public Services Complex site use approvals have been submitted to the County. County Planning Director Tracey Ferguson advised there will be a public hearing in January with other agencies including a Cal Trans who may be conducting a traffic study.
Annexation of Crescent Mills Fire Department continues with review of the resolutions that will be required to initiate the process.
Community Resilience Center - IVCSD collaborated on the submission (with Plumas County and the DFC) of a planning grant for the overall design of a CRC in Greenville.
Adam issued a thank you to Supervisor Goss for attending the meeting and for speaking on behalf of the Board of Supervisors for the commitment to the new Public Services Complex.
The California Department of Transportation is planning for future EV charging stations in Plumas County. They made need to contact property owners for placement of those stations. IVCSD is going to work with the Plumas County Transportation Commission to see if we might be able to provide sites in town.
We currently have a opening on our Board of Directors. We will post the board vacancy in three locations in our area.
The rate study tied with the financing for the Public Services Complex is moving forward. Because the IVCSD offices will be located there a portion of the water and sewer rates will be used to secure some of the overall construction financing.
Utility Operations Manager Report: By Mike Sundby
Mike stated the Taylorsville Lift Station was a large undertaking and is now complete.
Office Security - there has been a recent office security issue and we will look in to new security cameras.
Fire Chief Report: By Bob Orange
Purchase of K12 Brush Fire Truck - Bob Orange
Director Wanda Carpenter motioned to approve. Director Mary Cronin seconded the motion.
The motion passed with the following vote:
3 In Favor 0 Opposed
0 Abstained 0 Absent Recused
Adopt Schedule of Regular Board Meeting for 2024
Director Mary Cronin motioned to approve. Director Wanda Carpenter seconded the motion.
The motion passed with the following vote:
3 In Favor 0 Opposed
0 Abstained 0 Absent Recused
Set Date and Time for a Strategic Planning Workshop
This meeting will be 1 to 1 1/2 days to determine goals, direction and priorities. Looking at Februrary. Saturdays will not work. Board members will be notified when the meeting is scheduled.
Adoption of 2023-24 Budget
Director Gorbet attending remotely and did not receive a copy of the budget. Item was tabled until the January meeting or until the Finance Committee can meet.
Holiday Schedule - Close office December 25-29, 2023
This applies to all employees in the organization. Time off will be with pay. Emergency crew is in place if needed.
Director Mary Cronin motioned to approve. Vice-Chair Susan Doran seconded the motion.
The motion passed with the following vote:
3 In Favor 0 Opposed
0 Abstained 0 Absent Recused
- Board Action Plan - Staff No Action
- Correspondence: none at time of posting
Closed Session
Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Pursuant to Gov. Code Section 54956.9 (a) - Name of Case: Towers vs, IVCSD
Went in to closed session at 7:33 pm.
Conference with Labor Negotiators - Employee: General Manager- Agency Negotiator: Board President Kristine Gorbet
No Action
Reconvene from Closed Session
Reconvened at 8:08 PM
Report on Closed Session
Direction given to staff.
Adjournment at 8:09 pm
Posted 2:11 pm on March 13, 2025
This agenda was posted on the front window of the office of the Indian Valley Community Services District located at 127 Crescent St., Greenville, California, emailed to the Plumas News Editor, and posted at by March 13, 2025 2:11 pm by the undersigned. Jennifer Ayres, IVCSD Clerk to the Board