Indian Valley Community Services District
Regular Meeting
February 28, 2024 05:30 PM
127 Crescent St., Suite 5, Greenville, CA 95947

  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 5:34 pm by Chair Kristine Gorbet.

    1. Roll Call

      Present: Wanda Carpenter, Mary Cronin, Vice-Chair Susan Doran, Chair Kristine Gorbet, Andy Meyers

      Staff Present: GM Adam Cox, Board Clerk Jennifer Ayres, Fire Chief Bob Orange and Project Utility Manager Mike Sundby

    2. Pledge of Allegiance
      Led by Chair Kristine Gorbet

  2. Approve the Agenda   Vice-Chair Susan Doran motioned to approve. Wanda Carpenter seconded the motion.

    The motion passed with the following vote:
      5   In Favor      0   Opposed
         Abstained         Absent         Recused

  3. Public Comments

    There were no public comments. 

  4. Approve Meeting Minutes    
    1. January 24, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes 
      Vice-Chair Susan Doran motioned to approve. Mary Cronin seconded the motion.

      The motion passed with the following vote:
        5   In Favor      0   Opposed
           Abstained         Absent         Recused

    2. January 31, 2024 Special Board Meeting Minutes

      Vice-Chair Susan Doran motioned to approve. Mary Cronin seconded the motion.

      The motion passed with the following vote:
        5   In Favor      0   Opposed
           Abstained         Absent         Recused

  5. Financials Review: January 2024 Financials   

    GM Cox stated we are doing well overall. We are trying to gain access to our LAIF funds in order to transfer the funds to our California CLASS account where it earns more interest. We are currently receiving $30,000 per month in the account. We are doing much better than expected with our water income. Customers are getting their settlements from the Dixie Fire and are paying their past due bills. Sewer is not looking good but we have rehabed our entire system and a lot of money has been spent.

    Mary Cronin motioned to approve. Vice-Chair Susan Doran seconded the motion.

    The motion passed with the following vote:
      5   In Favor      0   Opposed
         Abstained         Absent         Recused

  6. General Manager Report: By Adam Cox

    We are still working on the merger between Indian Valley Fire Department and the Crescent Mills Fire Department. We are not sure at this point if they are still interested in merging with IVFD. CMFD has called a Special Board Meeting on Saturday to discuss whether they want to move forward with the merger. They will let us know. Next steps would be for the IVCSD Board and the CMFD Board to meet regarding the resolution. 

    We recieved our renewal application for Fire Insurance and Water/Sewer which is good news. We did not get cancelled this year. We are currently reviewing the policy and making sure all fixed assets are current and listed. It is important to remember that we do no have property liability insurance as the premiums were very high and not affordable. GM Cox asked our insurance company if they would be able to look for coverage again this year and they couldn't find any available that would accept us. We will continue to ask every year at the renewal period. We also have not been able to find coverage for Inland Marine (equipment).

    We are would like to add Cyber Terrorism Coverage and will need a quote. Cyber Terrorism is a current issue and happening throughout the state. 

    We are working with consultants from the Almanor Foundation regarding an Infrastructure Master Plan which is basically taking inventory and getting ideas for telecommunications, power, water and sewer. We are also looking at a program called the PG&E Microgrid Incentive. This allows the local government to receive up to 15 million dollars to create a local electric microgrid that would maintain power during outages. Greenville is currently the only local community that can participate but it will open up to other communities in the future. This would involve a large battery back up which would provide services in the event of a power failure or emergency. We have applied for this and are in the early stages of the process. 

    One of our last big FEMA projects is an alternate plan for the Water Treatment Plant. We have asked to take the funds available and use them toward an alternate location that includes drilling a well and storage tank. Ahydro-geological study and site identification are currently underway. We will use the remainder of this year to do all the studies necessary. Construction should get underway in 2025.  

    The State declined to fund the Community Resiliency Center Grant. The Dixie Fire Collaborative will submit another application in December 2024. However, what did come through is a grant that was applied for in December 2022 called the BRIC Grant. Building Resiliency in Communities in the amount of $500,000. This will be for planning and design to bring raw water down from Round Valley Lake to be used for fire suppression among other things. We may also be able to use these funds to work with some consultants to come up with a plan for recreational use of the lake.  

    Community Services Building - GM Cox has asked NST Engineering to add a separate Maintenance Building for a workshop and storage for the water/sewer operations. This was not included in the original plans. The field workers are currently operating out of a connex building. The county still has not approved our use permit for the site.

  7. Utility Operations Manager Report: By Mike Sundby  
  8. Fire Chief Report: By Bob Orange  

  9. Financial Controller Job Description 

    Financial Controller Job Description approved and we will be interviewing for the position. 

    Vice-Chair Susan Doran motioned to approve. Mary Cronin seconded the motion.

    The motion passed with the following vote:
      5   In Favor      0   Opposed
         Abstained         Absent         Recused

  10. Revise Open Office Hours to 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Vice-Chair Susan Doran motioned to approve. Wanda Carpenter seconded the motion.

    The motion passed with the following vote:
      5   In Favor      0   Opposed
         Abstained         Absent         Recused

  11. Closed Session
    1. Conference with Labor Negotiators - 

      Agency Negotiator: Chair Kristine Gorbet

      Unrepresented Party: General Manager Adam Cox 

      No reportable action 

    2. Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 

      Employee Position: General Manager 

      No reportable action 

    3. Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 

      No reportable action 

    4. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Pursuant to Gov. Code Section 54956.9 (d)(1)

      Case: Towers vs. IVCSD - CV2023-00209

      Case: IVCSD vs. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (Dixie Fire litigation)

      Nor reportable action 

  12. Report on Closed Session Items

    See item 13.

  13. General Manager Employment Agreement 

    It was announced that in closed session, the board unanimously approved an agreement with Sectaris Partners LLC managing partner Adam Cox to continue performing General Manager duties under contract. Mr. Cox will be paid $125 per hour for at least 160 hours per month. There are no other district-provided benefits or leaves. 

    Vice-Chair Susan Doran motioned to approve. Wanda Carpenter seconded the motion.

    The motion passed with the following vote:
      5   In Favor         Opposed
         Abstained         Absent         Recused

  14. Adjournment

    Susan Doran made the motion to adjourn. Mary Cronin seconded the motion.  

    Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm 

Posted 2:20 pm on March 13, 2025

This agenda was posted on the front window of the office of the Indian Valley Community Services District located at 127 Crescent St., Greenville, California, emailed to the Plumas News Editor, and posted at by March 13, 2025 2:20 pm by the undersigned. Jennifer Ayres, IVCSD Clerk to the Board