Indian Valley Community Services District
Regular Meeting
June 26, 2024 05:30 PM
127 Crescent St., Suite 5, Greenville, CA 95947
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:33 pm by Vice-Chair Susan Doran.Chair Gorbet attended remotely and is not able to vote on agenda items.
Roll Call
Present: Director Wanda Carpenter, Vice-Chair Susan Doran, Chair Kristine Gorbet, Director Mary Cronin
Absent: Director Andy Meyers
Staff Present: GM-Adam Cox, Board Clerk-Jennifer Ayres, Billing Specialist-Jessica Johnson, Project Utility Manager-Mike Sundby and Fire Chief-Bob Orange
Pledge of Allegiance
Led by Vice-Chair Susan Doran
Roll Call
Approve the Agenda
Agenda approved.
Director Wanda Carpenter motioned to approve. Director Mary Cronin seconded the motion.
The motion passed with the following vote:
3 In Favor 0 Opposed
1 Abstained 1 Absent Recused
Public Comments
Patty McCutcheon, member of Taylorsville Cemetery Board was in attendance to show her support of IVCSD annexing the Taylorsville Cemetery in order to provide affordable support to the cemetery grounds and operations.
Approve Meeting Minutes
6/12/24 Minutes approved.
Director Wanda Carpenter motioned to approve. Director Mary Cronin seconded the motion.
The motion passed with the following vote:
3 In Favor Opposed
1 Abstained 1 Absent Recused
Financials Review: May 2024 Financials
Director Mary Cronin motioned to approve. Director Wanda Carpenter seconded the motion.
The motion passed with the following vote:
3 In Favor Opposed
1 Abstained 1 Absent Recused
General Manager Report: By Adam Cox
GM Cox has been focusing on items from the Strategic Planning Session held April 11, 2024. Greenville Park Renovations, Budget and resolutions for the Taylorville Cemetery and the IVRPD annexations. Each of the organization's Board of Directors will need to adopt identical resolutions for the merger to occur. We would plan on adopting these resolutions at the July or August Board meeting to have it prepared for the LAFCO August meeting and it would go into effect in January or February of 2025.
Parks and Recreation Lifeguards and Swim Coordinators have started working for the summer season.
GM Cox is submitting the Interim 2024/25 Budget to the Board for approval this evening. The final budget will be brought back for Board approval prior to October.
As a result of a grant by the Alumbra Innovations Foundation (connected to a member of the Wal-Mart Walton family), IVCSD has been able to partner with Greenville Rancheria to apply for a Microgrid Incentive Program grant from PG&E. This CPUC-mandated programs directs utilities like PG&E to assist local governments in creating self-sufficient microgrids who power lines remain active even in "dark sky" events. IVCSD and the Ranchera applied for the maximum $17 million. If the grant is awarded it will be brought back to the Board for a vote.
GM Cox met with the Greenville Cemetery Board on Monday, June 24th, along with IVCSD Board Members Carpenter and Meyers to discuss restoring service to the cemetery. While an agreement was not reached the cemetery board did make clear that they are open to selling an easement to IVCSD for placement of a future well and storage tank on their property.
The rate study is in the final stages and one of the pieces they still need is the 24/25 budget. When they have that information we should see the results of the study in September or October.
Utility Operations Manager Report: By Mike Sundby
Fire Chief Report: By Bob Orange
New Job Descriptions: Recreation Manager
This item was removed from the agenda at the meeting. This position will be revised and presented at a meeting in the future.
Public Hearing: Preliminary FY 2024-25 Budget
Workplace Violence Prevention Plan
Motion passed.
Director Mary Cronin motioned to approve. Director Wanda Carpenter seconded the motion.
The motion passed with the following vote:
3 In Favor Opposed
1 Abstained 1 Absent Recused
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Vice-Chair Doran and was seconded by Director Carpenter. Motion passed and meeting was adjourned at 7:41 pm.
Posted 2:38 pm on March 13, 2025
This agenda was posted on the front window of the office of the Indian Valley Community Services District located at 127 Crescent St., Greenville, California, emailed to the Plumas News Editor, and posted at by March 13, 2025 2:38 pm by the undersigned. Jennifer Ayres, IVCSD Clerk to the Board